We at Garg Tube manufacture cubicles, mainly used in dairy industries. These cubicles are being done on our semi automatic bending machine and our own produced Galvanized pipes are used for bending purpose. Our pipes bend smoothly without any crack or zinc peeling off at the bends. We also provide bend pipes as per the specific requirement of the customers.
We manufacture swaged end pipes as per the requirement of the customers. The swaged end pipes are manufactured in various sizes, thickness, length as per the customer’s specification. These are supplied in Black as well as Hot Dip Galvanized finish. We have fully automatic machine available for swaging purpose, which can produce appx 50 tons material per day.
We supply ERW Black and Hot Dip Galvanized Pipes with notch on one end for the pipes. These notch pipes are used for fencing purpose and are used to hold barbed wires on them. We normally do 3 notch marks on one end of the pipe or as per the specific requirement of the customer.
We have semi automatic machine available for the notch purpose having production capacity of 50 tons per day.
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